One of the great things about the game of pub golf is that anyone can play. Fast-paced and perfect for a little backyard fun, this frisbee game sets up easily no matter where you’re playing, add a little excitement to your typical lawn game.
There is even a smartphone app you can use as you wander from hole to hole with your plus fours and bright polo shirts on. Combine superior hand-eye coordination with your favorite can of beer for an awesome game of Bottle Bash (also known as Beersbee). If you want it to be even more of a social event then you will find a number of Facebook pages dedicated to it. One of the main attractions of pub golf is that it is such a wonderfully social and sociable way of getting out and having a few drinks. View Some Outfit Ideas Making It Even More Social At the start of the night you might feel just a little bit silly but as you start to come in under par on a few holes you will begin to get into the swing of things and really enjoy the fact that you are all wearing funny golfing outfits. In this case, you and the rest of the drinkers will probably want to look for the wildest and most over the top golfing gear you can find. It isn’t strictly necessary to wear special outfits but it does add a whole layer of extra fun to the night. View a list of the most common pub golf rules. If you do not have a second phone lying around and no roommate or significant other to borrow from, a tablet can also. You will need a second phone, one to control the game, and the other to run the FaceTime. While it may be more fun in person, it still works on FaceTime.

Basically, you can add in whatever rules seem fair, appropriate or funny to you before you start out. Picolo is a drinking game you can download for free off of the App Store. This can come in the shape of a forfeit for the loser or penalty strokes for players who spill their drinks, fall over, throw up or do anything else which is worthy of a penalty. Sure, its nice to sunbathe and just relax, but if you want to have a safe get-together with your friends and enjoy some alcohol while youre at it, beer pong. Many pub golf players decide to spice up their evening even more by adding in some additional rules. As in the non-alcoholic version of golf the aim is to get round the course in as few stokes/gulps as you can manage. The par for each pub is then the number of sips, swigs or gulps which will be needed to finish the drink you have in it. For example, you will typically choose either a 9 hole course or an 18 hole one, so you will either cover 9 pubs or a whopping 18 of them. In fact, the golfing element only really comes into play in the way that you choose the “holes” you will cover and the par on each of them. Pub golf is a fun social activity which takes the best elements of dressing up and going on a pub crawl and adds in just a hint of golf. Instead, you can enjoy a few hours of drinking in your favourite pubs with your friends or work colleagues. For a start, there is no need to get up early in the morning and carry a big bag of golf clubs around for hours. No matter whether you are a fan of golf or not you are sure to enjoy the game of pub golf.